Low Price/Earning Purchases

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Largest purchases at companies with price/earnings ratio of 12 or less. Companies with low P/E ratios traditionally have limited downside, and when coupled with bullish insider buying may indicate good investment opportunities.

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Trades reported from 26-Sep-23 to 26-Oct-23
Number of records: 6
Last ReportedCompanyIndustry GroupIndustry# InsidersHistorical Avg Return (6 Mo)Last TradeAvg. PriceTotal SharesTotal
10-Oct-23 4:23 PMCoty Inc. (COTY) Consumer DurablesPersonal Products36%
(10 decisions)
10-Oct-23 4:09 PMAudiovox Corp. (VOXX) WholesaleElectronics Wholesale10%
(2 decisions)
26-Oct-23 5:22 PMAMREP Corp. (AXR) Real EstateReal Estate Development116%
(28 decisions)
11-Oct-23 4:30 PMSportsman's Warehouse Holdi... (SPWH) Consumer DurablesSporting Goods34%
(5 decisions)
25-Oct-23 9:48 AMCommercial Metals Co. (CMC) Metals and MiningSteel & Iron10%
(1 decisions)
05-Oct-23 4:50 PMTilly's, Inc. (TLYS) RetailApparel Stores10%
(16 decisions)