Insider Trading Report: Purchase Summary

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The reports on this page focus on the three key variables used to evaluate insider purchases:

  • Who: Follow insiders with a track record of success and top executives
  • Consensus: How many insiders are buying
  • Commitment: How much are they buying

Successful Insider Purchases

Successful insiders who have made the largest open market purchases. A successful insider is one who has gained on average at least 10% within 6 months on their past purchases. Insiders who have consistently done well in the past are likely to do so in the future.

C-Level Purchases

Companies with the greatest amount of purchasing by C-Level executives (CEO, CFO, COO, etc.). These insiders have the best insight into their companies and markets and have historically been among the best to follow.

Consensus Purchases

Companies with the greatest amount of purchasing by two or more insiders. Significant purchases by multiple insiders at the same company shows that they have come to the same opinion, namely that they think the price will rise.

Largest Purchases

Companies with the greatest amount of purchasing by insiders. When insiders feel they have a better chance to make a profit on their own company's stock, they invest more.