Aeon Biopharma, Inc. (AEON)

Number of records: 3
SEC FilingInsiderCompanyTrade DateTransactionSharesAvg. PriceTotal% HoldingsReturn
14-Aug-23 4:10 PM
Strathspey Crown Holdings G...
10% Owner
Aeon Biopharma, Inc. (AEON) 11-Aug-23Sale 7,380,390$10.00$73,803,904.00(78%)
9.41M to 2.03M
26-Jul-23 5:06 PM
Priveterra Sponsor, LLC
10% Owner
Aeon Biopharma, Inc. (AEON) 21-Jul-23Conversion 89,163----< 1%
13.8M to 13.89M
26-Jul-23 5:06 PM
Priveterra Sponsor, LLC
10% Owner
Aeon Biopharma, Inc. (AEON) 21-Jul-23Conversion 6,900,000----100%
6.9M to 13.8M